Disco Inferno Claims WWE Secretly Setting Up RAW Star for Shocking Heel Turn at WrestleMania 40

Rumors circulating suggest that WrestleMania 40 might feature surprising additions to the main roster. WWE veteran Disco Inferno believes that WWE has exciting plans for this underrated talent during WrestleMania.

The RAW star’s dissatisfaction is growing as WrestleMania approaches, as despite portraying the “face” role, he hasn’t been prominently featured recently. Inferno is hopeful that WrestleMania 40 will bring about a significant transformation, possibly turn a Raw star into a “heel.”

Who Does Disco Inferno Believe Could Turn Heel at WrestleMania 40?

Disco Inferno became a revered character at the height of WCW’s prominence because of his distinctive look and crazy actions. His dancing routines aside, he was a strong wrestler.

Following WCW’s breakdown, he persisted in wrestling on his own. Even now, he is a symbol of WCW’s exciting past. Recently, he has speculated that WWE’s underappreciated performer Sami Zayn might turn heel at WrestleMania 40. 

Disco Inferno
via sportskeeda

Sami Zayn’s previous disappointments in big WWE events have cast doubt on his ability to make it to WrestleMania 40. Even his latest victory against Shinsuke Nakamura could not put an end to his long streak of ineffectiveness.

Now, when he meets Imperium and Gunther behind the scenes, rumors start to circulate about a potential meeting in the WM 40. Even though Ring General is the favorite to win, WWE veteran Disco Inferno feels Sami Zayn will take center stage after WrestleMania. 

Speaking on the Keepin’ It 100 podcast, Inferno said, “I think they might be setting him up for a heel turn. His character is getting kind of desperate. His character being desperate would revert to just being a heel. He’s still a good heel.”

Disco Inferno disagrees with Konnan’s assessment that WWE is setting up Sami Zayn to challenge Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Title if McIntyre wins. His theory is that Triple H is plotting to cast the underappreciated RAW star as a “heel” on the big screen.

Sami Zayn to Take Intercontinental Championship from Gunther at WrestleMania XL

Sami Zayn is relentless in securing a spot at WrestleMania 40, irrespective of his performance in prior events like the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber. Given his history as a former IC Champion, it is understandable that he aspires to reclaim his title in a significant competition.

But dealing with Gunther is no easy task. A mysterious Instagram picture has fueled suspicions that Zayn and Gunther might face off, even if Zayn’s prospects of earning a bout at WrestleMania are poor. Even veteran WWE writer Vince Russo isn’t sure Sami Zayn is Gunther’s ideal opponent. 

Disco Inferno
via YouTube

The significance of selecting the appropriate match for Gunther’s WrestleMania debut was stressed by him. Russo said, “Do we know what we are doing with Gunther at WrestleMania? (…) That’s what I would do (Lashley vs Gunther). Absolutely. See you can’t call that bro, you can’t call that. I mean that’s what I would do. They have to pull off better than Sami Zayn and Gunther.”

When it comes to Gunther at WrestleMania 40, Russo believes Bobby Lashley would be a better choice. We will find out at WrestleMania 40 what WWE has in store for Sami Zayn. In your view, can’t Sami pull off Gunther’s hardcore ability? Share your thoughts in the comment section. 

Robin Ahmed

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Oh, hi, this is Md Robin Ahmed, a WWE fan and I everyday go through a slew of popular WWE stories on Sportszion. Watching Big Show's Showstopper was the beginning of my passion for WWE, though I have to say that his Chokeslam is not one of my favorite moves. Over time, my love for professional wrestling has intensified, mostly due to the Shield, and my all-time favorite wrestler in WWE is Big Dog. I would give everything to be able to be within a few feet of him to witness his iconic Superman Punch and Spear. My major is engineering, but I'm most happy when I'm doing something artistic that doesn't put me under any pressure. Watching them wrestle and discuss their matches is always fun for me. And I've finally discovered a career that gives me fun since it allows me to with my dream heroes lifestyle. So, Welcome! I'd love to hear from you on LinkedIn and Facebook.


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