NBA community thinks PG Damian Lillard forced Bucks’ Terry Stotts to leave

It has been just a few weeks since Damian Lillard arrived at the Milwaukee Bucks and things are already shaking up. Terry Stotts, the assistant coach for the Bucks has stepped down from his position and is now leaving the franchise after returning just a few months prior.

Stotts has had a laudable career in the coaching line of work and his return to the Bucks was appreciated by almost everyone. But it seems like things have gone south somewhere for him and the exact reason for his sudden resignation remains undisclosed. Fans are speculating that it may be because of his tenuous relationship with the head coach or maybe the newest recruit, Dmian Lillard had some role to play in all of this.

Bucks’ Terry Stotts resigns right before the season starts

Terry Stotts, the assistant coach for the Milwaukee Bucks has resigned from his position and the news was delivered by the head coach Adrian Griffin himself. Griffin spoke to the Athletic on Thursday and revealed the sad news but did not give any reason for it.

When the reporters asked him to reveal the reason for Stotts’ decision, he said that it was not a question for him to answer.

“You are going to have to ask Terry, He is a great coach. I enjoyed getting to know him. Terrific person. It was his decision. I just wish him the best.”, said Griffin to the reporters.

According to the sources a particular incident took place on Tuesday where the head coach called the players for a discussion after the shootaround and also informed the coaches that he wanted to do a separate discussion with them. After the session with the players, Griffin asked the coaches to join him.

Terry Stotts
Credits: AP Photo/Adam Hunger

Stotts went to have a conversation with Giannis and Lillard, but Griffin called him back. Stotts asked for some time to talk with the players, but Griffin yelled at him and ordered him to join the discussion. This incident happened in front of the entire team and may have been derogatory for Stotts.

NBA community thinks Damian Lillard forced Terry Stotts to resign

After no reasoning was provided by Griffin, fans are speculating that the reason for the resignation of Terry Stotts may have been his deteriorating relationship with the head coach. However, some fans also insinuated that Damian Lillard had a part to play in the resignation of the assistant coach.

Terry Stotts and Damian Lillard had a very close relationship during their time at the Portland Trail Blazers, but it ended in 2021 when Stotts resigned as the head coach for the Blazers. Now that an incident of the same situation has occurred with Stotts resigning again after the arrival of Lillard, the fans couldn’t keep them themselves from voicing their thoughts.

One fan commented, “ Dame got him fired again.” drawing attention to the past events when Stotts resigned while Lillard was at the Blazers.

Another fan added humor to the matter by pointing out that Giannis was annoying enough, and now having to deal with Dame was too much for Stotts. He commented, “Giannis is annoying enough, Dame got there and started rapping in the locker room and he was like alright I’m out.”

What do you think of the decision made by Terry Stotts? Do you think Damian Lillard had a part to play in all this? We are eager to know your thoughts, so drop them down in the comments section and share with us.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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