Lionel Messi’s bodyguard: who is Yassine Cheuko going viral after seemingly spawning out of thin air?

Top-tier celebrities often enlist private protection for security and protocol. Lionel Messi, upon joining MLS with Inter Miami, secured the services of Yassine Cheuko as his bodyguard. Cheuko garnered attention for his swift intervention during a pitch invasion, restraining the intruder and placing the supporter in a headlock.

Initially, the Soccer community wondered who Yassine Chueko, Lionel Messi’s bodyguard was. Some said and still say he is an ex-Navy seal, while others just troll Messi for it. Although it is unclear what Yassine Chueko did before he was enlisted as Messi’s bodyguard, he is quite good at what he does, judging from his rapid responses.

Who is Lionel Messi’s bodyguard Yassine Cheuko?

Chueko, known for being Lionel Messi’s bodyguard, is allegedly a former US soldier who served as a Navy SEAL in Iraq and Afghanistan, as reported by La Nacion; however, there are contradictory reports by Tata Marino.

On Instagram, where he primarily shares videos of his boxing and martial arts training routines, Chueko has amassed a following of 114,000 followers.

Lionel Messi’s bodyguard, Chueko, maintains a vigilant stance, appearing unaffected as other individuals like Jordi Alba and Sergio Busquets pass by. However, he swiftly reacts into action the moment Messi exits the vehicle.

Lionel Messi's bodyguard

Contrary to popular belief and speculation about Lionel Messi’s bodyguard and his alleged military involvement, Tata Marino, the Inter Miami coach has once set the record straight, categorically debunking Chueko’s involvement with the US military. He said;

“The reality is that so many people invent stories that end up causing problems for the protagonists involved. He had never been to the United States. He wasn’t in the war or part of the U.S. military. All of those reports about him over the past weeks are all false.”

Messi’s bodyguard goes viral in recent footage

Lionel Messi’s reputation as a global football icon necessitates the need for security, a reality acknowledged in Argentina, Europe, and now in the United States.

On his arrival in Miami, Lionel Messi clearly needed protectection. There have been several incidents of field invation and unwelcome paparazzi in the past. Not that any of these incidents have been fatal, but it could cause grievous harm, if not properly monitored, and this is where Lionel Messi’s bodyguard proves immensely useful.

A new footage of Lionel Messi and his bodyguard, doing what he does best has surfaced on the internet. Lionel Messi who was initially seen walking towards a group of kids alone was suddenly accosted by his bodyguard who appeared to have sprung literally out of nowhere.

Lionel Messi’s bodyguard who rapidly approaches Messi quickly moves past him to co-ordinate a photoshoot that happened later with Messi and the kids. Chueko then stood by and watched on as Messi and kids in red pose for a picture.

Do you also think Chueko is ex-US military? Let us know in the comment section.


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