One Stephen A. Smith warning Doc Rivers must heed

Popular analyst Stephen A. Smith recently shared some advice for Doc Rivers, the newly appointed head coach of the Milwaukee Bucks, that he should pay special attention to. Smith usually expresses a lot of opinions, but this time his words carried some weight.

Rivers, who is a very experienced coach, is tasked with a challenging assignment, especially in the mid-season. It will be a significant test of his coaching abilities and the experience he has gained from coaching several teams in the league.

Stephen A. Smith warns Doc Rivers about Bucks failure consequences

Stephen A. Smith recently advised Doc Rivers to do his very best at his new job. Rivers has been appointed as the new head coach of the Milwaukee Bucks after the Bucks let go of their former successful head coach Adrian Griffin. Smith said that this might be the last job of Doc Rivers as a head coach of the NBA if he fails at this hard task.

He reportedly said, “I love Doc Rivers, love him to death, know him personally, and here is what Doc Rivers has to understand… I am saying this to him as a friend and I love him… On three occasions he has blown a three-one lead. In-game sevens his career record is six and ten as a coach and he has lost the past five straight.”

Doc Rivers
Credits: getty

He continued, “Now this is it! Just like I said before, Adrian Griffin was not gonna last a season and if Doc Rivers, I am not saying this season has been the season. But if Doc Rivers does not succeed at this job my prediction is this will be his last job in the league as the head coach.”

New Bucks HC aware of upcoming challenges

It is not just Stephen A. Smith who is aware of the challenges that Doc Rivers will have to face; the main man himself is self-aware enough to realize the seriousness of the situation. Doc Rivers recently said that he wouldn’t wish this on anyone, highlighting the difficulty of the job he has been tasked with.

Adrian Griffin’s Bucks were an offensive powerhouse built to destroy teams in the NBA. However, they were like a glass cannon with very poor defense. Even the Detroit Pistons, one of the worst offensive teams in the NBA this season, were able to score more than a hundred points against them.

Rivers would have to rework the entire strategy of the squad and find a more balanced playstyle that allows offensive beasts like Giannis Antokounmpo and Damian Lillard to shine while also establishing a solid defense.

What do you think of Stephen A. Smith’s advice to Doc Rivers? Do you think Doc Rivers would be successful at the Bucks? We are eager to know your thoughts, so drop down in the comments and let us know.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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