‘I’ll show up in a physical manner’: Kate Abdo’s boxer boyfriend breaks silence over Jamie Carragher’s comments with menacing threat

Kate Abdo has made a name for herself as one of the world’s best football presenters. Her outspokenness has landed her gigs with some of the biggest broadcasting companies in the world, including Sky Sports, Fox Sports, TNT, and CBS, where she currently collaborates with big names like Thierry Henry, Micah Richards, and Jamie Carragher.

In one of their UEFA Champions League match coverage for the Arsenal vs Porto game, Carragher indirectly accused Kate Abdo of not being loyal to her boyfriend, which caused her to be visibly upset with those claims. This led to a dressing-down later, and Malik Scott, the presenter’s partner, has now weighed in on the issue, throwing his support behind his girlfriend.

Kate Abdo’s boyfriend responds to Jamie Carragher’s comments

During Arsenal’s round-of-16 triumph against Porto to qualify for the next round of the UEFA Champions League, Kate Abdo was thrown an Arsenal shirt to wear but declined and claimed she was loyal to her club. She later confessed that she was loyal to Manchester United, which prompted an awkward question from Jamie Carragher, who quickly asked why she wasn’t loyal to her boyfriend, Malik.

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Source: Yahoo News Singapore

This clearly angered Kate Abdo, and Malik Scott has now sent a note of warning to the Liverpool legend in case he ever makes such a comment again. It’s not that she’s one of the best sports broadcasters; she’s one of the best human beings I’ve come across in this world,” Scott declared. “I’m very much in love with her, and I plan on marrying her, so the thing that happened with Jamie is part of the job. It’s not the first time he’s said something out of the way like that.

“It’s the first time he’s said something in reference to possibly disturbing a household or disturbing a couple’s chemistry. It was a very minute thing, but her being irritated by it a little bit is what got to me. If Kate gets upset, then it’s really a big deal to me, and I’ll give him a call, and if he doesn’t pick up my call, then I’ll show up in a physical manner so we can talk like men. I think Jamie apologized, not just to Kate but to the whole team. In that regard, I have high respect for him.

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Source: GSP

This was yet another controversial moment for Jamie Carragher, who has appeared to have no control over his comments on live TV.

Kate Abdo provided classy response to Jamie Carragher’s comments

Jamie Carragher had an illustrious playing career. He played for Liverpool all his life and has taken up a job as a football pundit ever since. However, he’s become famous for his controversial style of punditry, which has put him at odds with people like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, who have both had a go at the former Liverpool defender.

His last episode was against fellow CBS broadcaster Kate Abdo, whom he labelled as not loyal to his boyfriend Malik Scott at a Champions League coverage of the Arsenal game at the Emirates Stadium. Kate Abdo has since spoken her truth against the Liverpool legend, getting back at him with subtle yet harshly constructed words at a later episode of their CBS broadcast.

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Source: GSP

“Jamie is the middle child with a chip on his shoulder,” Abdo described Carragher when comparing his three male colleagues on CBS to real-life brothers. “He’s capable of saying anything. Does he go too far sometimes? Absolutely. Does he apologize? Yes, he does. But all of us have that one annoying family member that we still love and accept,” she concluded.

They both appear to have dealt with this issue in a great way and look comfortable around each other again.


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