Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson reveals one life-long regret after his father Rocky ‘Soulman’ Jhonson death

Rocky Soulman Johnson is one of the first black wrestlers who made the record of being the first Tag Team Champion in WWE. Rocky Jhonson is from the legendary Anoa’i family, which has famous wrestlers like Yokozuna, Roman Reigns, Rikishi, and the Wild Samoans (Afa and Sika).

Soulman made the wrestling world great with his very blood and sweat back in the 1970s. His son, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson recently shared a life-long regret he has about his father’s death, which surprised the WWE fans after he revealed the reason.

The Rock shares an emotional message in honor of Rocky ‘Soulman’ Johnson

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has been a proud son since he first watched his father Rocky ‘Soulman’ Johnson perform in the ring. He has always claimed that the reason for his greatness is that he channels his father’s charm whenever he performs as a wrestler inside the ring.

A little while back, ‘The Brahma Bull’ revealed on Twitter his one life-long regret after his father died of a pulmonary embolism. In the post, he said, “Just delivering flowers to heaven to my old man, Rocky “Soulman” Johnson. My dad, along with “Mr. USA”, Tony Atlas made pro wrestling history by becoming the first ever Black Heavyweight Tag Team Champions for the WWE. He came up the hard way, and trail-blazed for all of us men of color – in any sport & level of entertainment.”

The Rock, who owns multiple catchphrases, continued saying, “But it was also very important to him to pave the way for all men, any color – it didn’t matter. My regret in this life is that I never had a chance to say goodbye to him, because he died suddenly. I regret not reconciling our complicated father/son shit before I lost him. Raised me with tough fatherly love and an even tougher hand. The more I live life, the more grateful I am for it. See you down the road, Soulman.”

Looking back at Rocky ‘Soulman’ Jhonson’s wrestling career

Soulman started training first to be a professional boxer; he never had any interest in entertainment sports like wrestling. However, as wrestling started growing as an active competitive sport, Rocky Johnson decided to pursue a career in the new sport. Leveraging his superior athleticism and boxing training, Johnson got the chance to rise as a star in the wrestling world.

Probably the biggest highlight of Soulman is when he won the World Tag Team Championship by defeating two members of his family — Afa & Sika, the Wild Samoans, in the 1983 November 15 event. Rocky and his partner became the first African American champions in the Stamford-based company’s history.

Interestingly, after Rocky ‘Soulman’ Jhonson retired from professional wrestling, his son Dwayne Johnson took the reign to continue the family legacy. His name The Rock was inspired by his father’s legacy and later on he went on to create the greatest gimmick in WWE to date.

What do you think about The Rock’s life-long regret after his father Rocky ‘Soulman’ Jhonson’s death? Let us know your thoughts on it in the comment section below!

Anil Chowdhury

209 articles

Anil is a wrestling sports enthusiast who has been watching the sport for 15 years, his love for the sport started through watching and admiring WWE superstars like John Cena, Randy Orton, and Undertaker. As a WWE news writer, he provides timely and insightful coverage of events, matches, and developments within the world of professional wrestling. With a passion for the sport, he aims to deliver engaging and informative content that resonates with fans and keeps them updated on the latest WWE happenings.


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