Shawn Stasiak is a former WWE and WCW wrestler who is the son of Stan Stasiak, a WWE Hall of Famer and a former WWF Champion. Stasiak was famous for various ring names, such as Meat, PerfectShawn, and Planet Stasiak, and he won the WCW World Tag Team Championship and the WWF Hardcore Championship
Stasiak recently revealed that he felt hurt and betrayed by Vince McMahon, the WWE owner, for the way he treated his father’s legacy and induction into the Hall of Fame. Stasiak said that he was grateful for the opportunity that he had in WWE, but he was disappointed and hurt by the way they handled his father’s induction.
Shawn Stasiak reveals Vince McMahon diminished his father’s legacy
Stan Stasiak was inducted into the legendary Hall Of Fame in 2018. Recently, in an interview, Shawn Stasiak spoke how WWE betrayed him and shattered his father’s legacy. He said, “Honestly, just the way that they put my dad in the Hall of Fame was very hurtful to me. Because, I anticipated that for years that they would call upon me, his only son, at least that I know of. That’s where I first learned that they will put my dad into the Hall of Fame through Twitter.”
He also said, “I was like, ‘No!’. I could have had a phone call. I wasn’t invited to even the arena to pay my respects. I was expecting a phone call, like, ‘hey, we want to put your dad in, we want you to induct him.’ I anticipated this for years, so when they went about it the way they did, it was very very disheartening.
Stasiak claimed that he learned about his father’s induction into the Hall of Fame in 2018 through Twitter, and he was not invited or informed by WWE. He also said that he expected to induct his father personally, but WWE did not give him that opportunity. He claimed that his father was the only WWE champion who did not get a personal induction and was just thrown into some wing.
Stasiak added that he felt a sense of betrayal, as he had a close relationship with McMahon and considered him a father figure. He said that he felt that WWE did not care about him or his family and that they diminished his father’s legacy and achievements.
Why was Shawn Stasiak fired from WWE?
Shawn Stasiak had two stints with WWE, from 1998 to 1999 and from 2001 to 2002. He was fired from WWE twice, for different reasons. The first time he was fired was in December 1999, when he recorded a heated conversation between Davey Boy Smith and Steve Blackman without their permission. He claimed that he did this as a joke, but WWE did not find it funny and terminated his contract.
The second time he was fired was in September 2002, when he requested his release from WWE. He said that he was unhappy with his role and direction in the company and that he wanted to pursue other interests outside of wrestling. He also said that he felt that WWE did not care about him or his family and that they diminished his father’s legacy and induction into the Hall of Fame.

Shawn Stasiak had a successful career in WCW, where he won the World Tag Team Championship three times with Chuck Palumbo. He also held the WWE Hardcore Championship and was part of the Invasion storyline in 2001.
However, he never reached his full potential in WWE, and he left the wrestling industry in 2010. He became a chiropractor and a motivational speaker, and he recently expressed his interest in making a comeback and winning the WWE Championship that his father once held.