Stone Cold Steve Austin sheds light on an anonymous WWE star’s life-changing advice to battle injuries: “It feels like healing”

The cold plunge is a popular health trend in which you immerse yourself in ice-cold water for a short period to enjoy a range of potential benefits, including reduced inflammation, enhanced immunity, improved circulation, and a better mood. However, not everyone can withstand the extreme cold, as evidenced by Stone Cold Steve Austin, who shared his failed attempt on Instagram.

The Texas Rattlesnake has finally posted a video of him taking the challenge, and he gave credit to the anonymous WWE superstar who suggested this technique to overcome fatigue.

Steve Austin displays the technique of recovering quickly

Steve Austin recently learned the true meaning of “stone cold” through his own experience. He shared a video on Instagram in which he attempted a cold plunge but failed on the first try. However, he managed to last for a full three minutes during his second attempt. Despite his success, Austin’s experience was not without struggle.

Steve Austin has made a successful attempt at taking a cold plunge. He posted a video on Instagram yesterday where he performed the plunge and also mentioned that he learned about it from a young WWE talent who has been using it to treat injuries sustained in the ring. Austin admitted that it was a great way to heal.

“The initial shock of the cold water hits fast and hard. The body is saying, Hey, what the fuck?
Then, as you settle in and accept the cold and breathe, the mind takes control of the storm, and the calm takes over. It’s exhilarating. It’s energizing. It’s calming. And it feels like healing. I’ll keep it short. Better late than never. I’m glad I found the cold plunge.”

“Quick story-I got a call today from one of the boys. Guy is one of the best talents in @wwe on one of the main rosters. I’ll kayfabe the name for his privacy. He’s 3 months ahead of me on the cold plunge and does it religiously to help his body heal from all the bumps. Seems more people are into this than I knew.” wrote Steve Austin in the caption of that post.

Major injuries suffered by Steve Austin during his WWE career

During his time at WCW, Stone Cold Steve Austin was known for his ability to put on incredible matches with anyone on the roster. Although most of his injuries are well known, Stone Cold’s legacy remains untarnished. In this list, we will explore every injury that he suffered throughout his wrestling career.

Tricep Injury (1995)

In 1995, Steve Austin suffered a tricep injury while wrestling in Japan that ended his career at WCW. He was fired from the company by Eric Bischoff in June 1995 and spent some time at ECW. If he had not been let go, he could have made a big impact on WCW’s Monday Nitro.

Neck Injury (1997)

In 1997, during a match against Owen Hart at Summerslam, Steve Austin suffered a major injury that would haunt him for the rest of his career. Hart performed a botched piledriver, which led to Austin breaking his neck. Despite retaining the Intercontinental Championship, the injury was severe enough to sideline him for a few weeks. Although Austin returned to the ring, the injury marked the beginning of the end of his career.

Neck Injury (1999)

In 1999, Stone Cold Steve Austin helped the WWE dominate wrestling. However, his broken neck and knee injuries plagued him. At Survivor Series 1999, he was hit by a car, leading to his being written out of the event. In reality, he needed neck surgery. The storyline made little sense.

Broken Back (2001)

2001 was the last year Steve Austin ever wrestled a year-long schedule. He also worked as a heel. Like the previous few years, he also suffered a serious injury. During a feud with Booker T, Austin fractured three transverse processors in his back. Despite this being a fairly serious injury, Austin battled through it the rest of the year, even competing in a few classic segments with Booker T after the event.

Do you think Stone Cold Steve Austin’s method of recovery is the best way to recover from fatigue? Let us know your thoughts on it in the comment section below!

Majidul Islam

440 articles

Majidul Islam Rahat is a passionate WWE enthusiast and accomplished writer immersed in the world of professional wrestling. Majidul has keen insights and a deep understanding of the WWE universe. He combines his love for the sport with his storytelling prowess as a dedicated WWE writer. With a flair for capturing electrifying moments within the squared circle, He crafts compelling narratives that resonate with fellow fans.


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